Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Novena for Work - St. Josemaria Escriva - Day 2

Day 2

Work done for love of God

St Josemaría says:

The dignity of work is founded on Love. Man’s great privilege is to be
able to love, transcending from what is fleeting and ephemeral.1

Do everything for Love. –That way there are no little things: everything is
big. –Perseverance in little things, for Love, is heroism.2

Let me stress this point: it is in the simplicity of your ordinary work, in the
monotonous details of each day, that you have to find the secret, which
is hidden from so many, of something great and new: Love.3

1 Christ is Passing By, 48 
2 The Way, 813 
3 Furrow, 489

Intention A: To find a job
May our Lord God grant me the grace to get a job quickly, which will
provide security for my family. At the same time, may he help me to
understand that what gives value to any honest work is the love with
which I do it: love for God, in the first place, to whom I can offer up my
work; and love for my neighbour, whom I wish to serve and be useful to.

or Intention B: To do a good job
May our Lord God help me to understand that what gives value to any
honest work is the love with which I do it: love for God, in the first place,
to whom I can offer up my work; and love for my neighbour, whom I wish
to serve and be useful to.

Prayer to St Josemaría:

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