Monday, 26 May 2014

FREE online book: Wikibooks: Guide - Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK

Below is the link to the free Wikibook for the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This is the book that the Project Management Institute (PMI) uses for training, assessment and certification of project managers. An excellent resource! Look for it at your local library.

Below is an link to purchase it.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

"Good Use of Time: 11 Principles to Live By" - Rafael T. Caldera

"Good Use of Time: 11 Principles to Live By"
Rafael T. Caldera

1. He has more who needs less

2. Today, Now

3. Urgent things can wait

4. Devoting time to the good use of time

5. Put your heart into what you are doing

6. First one thing, then another

7. Make haste slowly

8. Many measures of oil can be poured into a barrel full of nuts

9. Setting time limits

10. Growing on the inside

11. Remembering that one day you too are going to die

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